Transforming genetic data analytics and management with Explorer

Organize, analyze, and visualize your genomics datasets all in one place

Leverage Explorer for simple, scalable genomic data analytics and management

Intergration Blue
Access robust cloud infrastructure without the hassle
Speed Blue
Supercharge productivity with workflow Shortcuts
Collab Blue
Tap into the expertise of Gencove's data scientists
Explorer structure

Abstract away complexity with Explorer

Gencove Explorer is a cloud-based tertiary genomics computing solution that allows users to organize, analyze, and visualize their data all in one place. Significantly streamlining genomic data analysis and storage, Gencove Explorer enables scientists to design and execute complex data pipelines on scalable clusters within a familiar batch computing environment.

Enable simple and scalable genomic data analytics, with an easy-to-use and flexible tertiary analysis infrastructure for:

  • Querying Gencove database
  • Running custom and predefined data processing workflows
  • Reviewing results of workflows and quickly iterating
  • Importing and exporting datasets
Hassle-free cloud-based analytics to get you the answers that matter

Explorer enables data scientists and researchers to focus on answering biological questions by abstracting away the need for managing scalable computational infrastructure with:

  • Jupyter notebook with Python and R support

  • Scalable compute cluster (1,000 vCPUs, configurable up to 100,000 vCPUs)

  • Easy-to-use interface and SDK

Supercharge productivity with bioinformatic workflow Shortcuts

Instead of constantly reinventing the wheel, utilize off-the-shelf functions to run commonly required bioinformatics workflows. Use Shortcuts, a library of built-in methods for common genomic analyses, to fast track:

  • Merging, filtering, and annotating VCFs
  • Calculating genotype discordance
  • Performing genome-wide association studies
  • Developing and calculating polygenic risk scores
Tap into the expertise of Gencove's data scientists

Gencove data scientists collaborate directly with Explorer users to identify their goals and implement the initial analysis to achieve them:

  • Start with a consultative on-ramp project for implementation of initial use case
  • Custom solution architecture from Gencove data scientists
  • Consistent and reliable customer support

Learn more about Explorer

By allowing researchers to design and execute complex data pipelines on scalable clusters within a familiar batch computing environment without a significant learning curve or operational overhead, Gencove Explorer represents a significant step toward providing scientists with a streamlined solution to the challenge of efficiently analyzing and storing large-scale genomic data.

Value we deliver

The Gencove platform provides a suite of tools for generation, analysis, and management of genetic data.

Flexibility and customization at industrial scale

Gencove streamlines a complex process to build an automated, cohesive and efficient flow of data

Unlock genetic data value

Maximize data quality and power for your budget and goals

Supercharge your team

Do more with less and bridge resource gaps by putting innovative tools in your teams hands

Live on the cutting edge

Stay at the forefront of innovation with an expert team that navigates an ever changing space for you

Own and control your data

Retain full autonomy and ownership of your data, to ensure privacy and control over its usage