Forest Dussault, Senior Software Engineer - May 09, 2024

Flexible genomic data export with Gencove Explorer

Gencove Explorer provides robust support for several data export methods, making use of the Explorer SDK to facilitate seamless and efficient data transfer across various environments and storage solutions. In this blog, we’ll explore various methods of exporting data from Gencove's systems, covering how to generate pre-signed URLs for sample deliverables, and how to export data deliverables to AWS S3, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Storage (GCP).

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Gillian Belbin, Senior Data Scientist - Nov 09, 2023

Gencove platform introduces Human Genome Diversity and 1000 Genome reference panel for build GRCh37

We recently reported on the release of the novel gnomAD_v3.1.2 HGDP1KG human reference panel for build GRCh38. This new panel consists of a total of 4091 individuals, and we have previously discussed its considerable gains in imputation power when compared to other publicly available human reference panels. We have now made the HGDP1KG panel available for build GRCh37.

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Jeremy Li, Director of Data Science - Sep 08, 2023

Improving biological sample and data management with sample manifests

The new "sample manifests" feature ensures accurate sample identification and reduces errors, streamlining the process from sample collection to solutions delivered by the platform.

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Jeremy Li, Director of Data Science - Jul 26, 2023

Gencove platform update offers phased genotypes, improved imputation of sex chromosomes and faster processing times

Staying at the cutting-edge of the latest bioinformatic tooling is critical to navigating the dynamic landscape of genomics. We are pleased to announce several new optimizations and improvements to our standard pipeline offerings that will reduce processing time and resources.

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Forest Dussault, Software Engineer - Jun 22, 2023

Introducing a new way to bring FASTQ files to the Gencove platform

We’re excited to announce that we are introducing a new feature that will make bringing users’ FASTQ files onto Gencove’s platform easier than ever.

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Oliver Arnstein, Software Engineer - Jun 15, 2023

Increasing insight into subscription notification history

We're pleased to announce a new feature on Gencove's web interface that now allows users to see a detailed list of notifications sent by a subscription

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