The Gencove Team - Jul 16, 2024

Genomic prediction in maize using the Genomes to Fields (G2F) data and Gencove Explorer

In this blog we will demonstrate how to use Gencove Explorer to perform genomic prediction in maize. Specifically, we will be building a genomic prediction model for maize grain yield. Genomic prediction is a technique from statistical genetics that uses genome-wide genetic markers to estimate the breeding value (sometimes referred to as genetic merit) of plants or animals in modern breeding programs. This estimated breeding value (EBV) can be used to identify and selectively breed the best individuals in the population in order to improve agronomically relevant traits.

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David Neuman, Head of Agrigenomics Sales - Jul 08, 2024

Low-pass whole genome sequencing: A solution for traditional challenges in honey bee genotyping

In recent years, the scientific community has made remarkable strides in genomics, transforming our understanding of the genetic makeup of various organisms. Among these, honey bees (Apis mellifera) hold a special place due to their crucial role in agriculture. Despite this progress, decoding the genomic variation in honey bees presents unique challenges, with high recombination rates and large genomic variation.

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Gencove Team - Apr 22, 2024

Leading the pack: Low-pass plus capture as the next great tool for canine genomics

Dog research is at a crossroads. Like in humans, genetic tools could revolutionize veterinary care and improve the health and welfare of all dogs, but widely used genetic testing services don’t provide the information needed by researchers to achieve this vision. A collaboration between Gencove, genomic scientists, and dog breeders has developed a new solution that combines high-accuracy genetic testing with comprehensive whole genome genotyping. This dual-purpose product supports breed ancestry analysis, Mendelian disease testing, and large-scale genomics.

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Jesse Hoff, Agrigenomics Product Manager - Jan 30, 2024

A vision for the future of the cattle industry

At Gencove, we’ve long talked about Moo-res law, the trend of increasing genotype adoption in the cattle breeding world, with global genotyping in the cattle industry likely to hit 5 million samples annually by mid-decade. The successes of genomic selection are well known, led by the US dairy evaluation’s pioneering efforts over 15 years ago, with adoption following in many cattle breeding programs globally.

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Jesse Hoff, Agrigenomics Product Manager - Jul 10, 2023

Exploring the power of low-pass WGS with target capture in plant breeding

Gencove and Twist Biosciences have partnered to pressure test the utility of lp-WGS plus target capture and imputation for a major crop species, soybeans, demonstrating that lp-WGS with target capture works well in plants and covers a large panel.

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Mamad Ahangari, Data Scientist - Mar 13, 2023

Low pass sequencing plus imputation in cattle outperforms imputation from genotyping arrays

Over the past decade, the cost of genome sequencing has significantly decreased, leading to a rise in popularity of alternative sequencing methods such as low-pass whole genome sequencing instead of genotyping arrays. To meet this demand, at Gencove, we offer a cost-effective solution for generating genome-wide information by providing low-pass whole genome sequencing plus imputation as a high-throughput alternative to genotyping arrays. Our previous research has already established that low-pass whole genome sequencing outperforms traditional genotyping arrays in terms of imputation in humans (Li et al., 2021). In this blog post, we describe the results of a recent experiment where we demonstrate that imputation using low-pass whole genome sequencing is also superior to genotyping arrays in cattle.

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Maximillian Rozenblum, Applied Bioinformatics Engineer - Nov 10, 2022

New species: salmon

New pipeline available: salmon

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David Neuman, Head of Plant and Animal Genomics Sales - Aug 25, 2022

A Genotyping Platform that Changes with Your Breeding Program

Invest in a genotyping solution that changes with your breeding program. The Gencove platform ensures backward compatibility, adaptability to new markers and reference genomes, additional analyses, and continual innovation.

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David Neuman, Head of Plant and Animal Genomics Sales - Aug 23, 2022

The Importance of Speed in Plant and Animal Breeding

Improve molecular breeding efficiency with a modern genotyping approach that can be set up in a few weeks plus turns your samples around quickly!

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Jesse Hoff, Agrigenomics Product Manager - Jul 06, 2022

Get the Utility of Sequencing at the Cost of a Microarray

Gencove’s low-pass sequencing platform is at cost-per-sample price parity with many microarray assays across a wide range of species in both plants and animals. That makes Gencove the best choice for getting the utility of sequencing data at microarray prices.

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Jesse Hoff, Agrigenomics Product Manager - Jun 15, 2022

A Modern Approach to Genotyping for Plant and Animal Breeding

There’s no question that sequencing is a powerhouse of utility for genetics in breeding. However, does it meet the requirements to become a routine tool for genomic selection in breeding programs?

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Jesse Hoff, Agrigenomics Product Manager - Jun 02, 2022

The First EPD for Bovine Congestive Heart Failure from Simplot and Gencove

The Simplot and Gencove genomic EPD provides a benchmark from which bulls can be evaluated for cardiac morphology significantly reducing their calves’ morbidity and mortality and increasing their overall economic performance.

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